Friday, March 5, 2010

Check out my new web site!

The spousal unit and I have been busy launching a new web site --

I have had many requests for my Everyday Bread recipe, I want to share but I also want to make sure it is made with proper techniques. I have been teaching classes and now we are going live (sort of) on the internet.

It has been so much fun - even as we speak I am developing a recipe for sandwich rolls.
I will let you know of the outcome. So far the dough feels fan-freakin-tastic!

The web site will be featuring videos showing technique as well as delicious recipes.

We have been shooting episodes and soon it will be available to view online.
I have some great testimonials from students - see if you recognize anyone!

If you have any requests please let me know. Happy bread making!

Bread making is an art.
Practice makes progress.
Progress makes mastery!


Erin said...

Looks great! Sign me up! :)

Anonymous said...

Cant' wait to see it all up and running! Good job mom!!

michelle said...

What a great idea!

My grandmother used to always say that baking bread was a skill born of experience. I'd say you have that in the bag.

Lorie said...

Thanks for your encouraging comments. We shot another segment yesterday - Whole Wheat Bread. Might I add - it is yummy - no need for butter, honey or jam.

bedroom clocks said...

Thanks for sharing such great post! I love your blog!